2025 Exhibitor Information

The information below reflects the 2025 Earth Day Festival.


Showcase your business or non profit organization to over 28,000 Earth Day Festival goers. Applications are now open!

Required Documents

Special Event Application

Each exhibitor must submit this form, regardless of whether or not they are selling goods. Access the form from your EventHub account or download it here. The Community Environmental Council and CarpEvents will submit your form to the City of Santa Barbara on your behalf.

Certificate of Liability Iinsurance

Exhibitors must name CEC as an additional insured for the dates of the festival. Share the following with your insurance provider:


1072 Casitas Pass Road #103

Carpinteria, CA 93013 

Please upload both documents to EventHub. Visit the website for step-by-step instructions. If you have questions or need more information, please email info@sbearthday.org.

Booth Assignments

Booth assignments are made based on a number of factors, including placement of canopies, access to electricity, and the design/message of individual exhibits. The assigned booth location is approximate. For example, if it looks like you're right next to a tree on the map, that may not be the case as trees on the map are not to scale.

Saturday, April 26, times TBD


What to do:

  1. Pull into your designated load-in zone AS LISTED BELOW (marked with orange traffic cones and signage).

  2. Once you pull into your designated zone, you will be given a 20-minute loading/unloading pass, and volunteers will be on hand to help transport your materials and supplies to your designated booth as quickly as possible.

    • Public Square: Load-in/out from the 100 block of E. Sola St. (below Public Square area park side)

    • Eco Marketplace: Load-in/out from the 1400 block of Anacapa St. (park side)

    • Homegrown Roots: Load-in/out from corner of Mitcheltorena and Santa Barbara Street.

    • Food Court: Load in from Santa Barbara Street

    • Kids Corner: Load-in/out from the 100 block of E. Sola St. (NEW LOCATION)

    • Green Car Show/Ride & Drive: Load-in/out from Santa Barbara St. (access at road closure barricades at Santa Barbara St. and Sola St.)

    • Bike Valet: Load-in/out from 200 block of Mitcheltorena Street. (park side)

    • One Day: Load-in/out from the 1400 block of Anacapa St. (Eco Marketplace load-in location park side) Note: All load-in zones are park side only. DOUBLE PARKING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. You will be cited by Santa Barbara Police Department parking enforcement. 

  3. After unloading your equipment, immediately move your vehicle to a neighborhood street or public parking lot (see parking info below). 

Sunday, April 27, times 6PM

What to do:

  1. Pack up all equipment and supplies, then stage ALL of your items at your designated load-out location before retrieving your vehicle. Volunteers will be on hand to help if needed.

    Designated load-out zones are identical to the load-in zones from Saturday morning (see above). Vehicles are NOT permitted on the grass. DOUBLE PARKING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. You will be cited by Santa Barbara Police Department parking enforcement.  

  2. Before vacating the park, check in with a festival staff or volunteer to confirm that your booth space is completely empty and returned to its original condition. Thank you in advance for disposing of trash, recyclables, and compostable material in the appropriate large waste bins around the perimeter of the park.


What to do:

Please remember that the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival is located in a residential neighborhood. There are no designated parking spaces for exhibitors. Options for parking include:

  • Granada Parking Garage #6: located on the corner of Anacapa and Anapamu Streets. Parking is free for the first 75 minutes, and $3.00/hour thereafter.

  • On-street parking: there is limited on-street parking in the vicinity of the festival. NOTE: most spaces are limited to 90 minutes on Saturday and are unlimited on Sunday.

  • Ride the MTD bus: please advise your volunteers to use this or other car-free alternatives. Ideas and resources at www.santabarbaracarfree.org.

Securing Your Booth

Overnight security will be provided on Saturday, April 27. The security team is covering the entire park, and will not have capacity to monitor each booth closely. Please plan to secure your possessions and remove all valuables Saturday night.

Check the weather before you come. In case of inclement weather (rain or wind) please make sure to have your booth properly secured each day and overnight. We generally experience some level of wind, so we advise that you bring your own weights for your tent and display materials. If there is wind in the forecast and you have a pop-up tent, please lower the tent poles to reduce the chance if it blowing away. Staking of booths is not allowed.

CarpEvents nor the Community Environmental Council will be responsible or liable for lost or stolen items, or weather-related damage to exhibitor booth spaces, equipment, or materials.

More questions? Contact info@sbearthday.org